
Thyroid Health Nutrition Services

Manage inflammation with our nutritional services.
Proper diet and lifestyle choices can either create poor health or allow us to recover our health. Our Thyroid Health Nutritional Services provide the foundation for your health recovery. Our food choices can cause inflammation in our bodies due to the type of food, how it is prepared, or how often it is eaten. As the damage from inflammation caused by inappropriate food choices builds up over time it can lead to dysfunction in our bodies. Unfortunately, many foods that we are encouraged to eat by our doctors and even foods that are thought of as healthy can hinder the function of our bodies and create symptoms.

At Lucid Force Health Center, our specialty lies in determining which nutritional and lifestyle imbalances may be causing or promoting your problems. As you make changes to the way you nourish your body, your body is able to use the food as a medicine to allow healing to occur. Once we set a healthy foundation of better diet and lifestyle habits we can build upon that foundation through the skilled use of nutritional supplements to safely and effectively enhance the healing process.

Services Provided

  • Case Review Consultation: $195
  • New Patient Enrollment Fee: $295.00
  • Initial Nutrition Consultation: $295.00
  • Cost of laboratory tests can range from $300 to $3,000 and can be prioritized for you.
  • 1st Nutrition Follow-up 50-Minutes: $240.00 each
  • Nutrition Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 50-Minutes: $200.00
  • Nutrition Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 25-Minutes: $100.00

Functional Metabolic & Nutritional Work

Manage inflammation with our nutritional services.
Metabolism is a word that describes the way that we turn food and drink into usable energy. Functional metabolic and nutritional work can best be summarized by the Institute for Functional Medicine, “Functional Nutrition emphasizes the importance of high quality foods and phytonutrient diversity to address clinical imbalances and move individuals toward the highest expression of health. Advanced nutrition assessment and a thorough Functional Medicine based history leads to a personalized therapeutic intervention created to promote optimal health and prevent diet- and lifestyle-related disease.”

At Lucid Force Health Center, our specialty lies in determining which nutritional and lifestyle imbalances may be causing or promoting your problems. As you make changes to the way you nourish your body, your body is able to use the food as a medicine to allow healing to occur. Once we set a healthy foundation of better diet and lifestyle habits we can build upon that foundation through the skilled use of nutritional supplements to safely and effectively enhance the healing process.

How We Help People Get Better @ Lucid Force Health Center (LFHC)

Healthy diet and lifestyle choices lay the foundation for good health and recovery from all disease. At Lucid Force Health Center, our focus is on helping you rebuild your health by teaching you how to care for YOUR body so that you can get your life back and get rid of your symptoms. We use specialized lab testing to help identify other problems that have been robbing you of your health, but because there are not medications to fix them…your doctors don’t run the tests and often don’t know how to correctly interpret the results to help you. By looking for health versus disease, we can help guide you back to your Path To Health, so that you can fulfill your life’s purpose, pursue your dreams, and serve your family & community at a higher level!

Learn more about LFHC, or about conditions we help people with, how we look at lab tests differently, and how to be successful at getting your health back.